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Christmas 2020 – We’ll make the most of what we have

christmas mammy we'll make the most of what we have

christmas mammy we'll make the most of what we have

Christmas 2020 looks like it will be like no other.  I’ve created a mini range of Mammy Christmas cards to express what we’re feeling, like ‘Covid is a fecker’.

I spoke to my own mother about this.  My mother is kind hearted and even though she is having a tough time recently, she does her best not to complain.  My mother represents her generation with how she doesn’t get carried away with things and is not impressed with flamboyance.  I asked her recently what advice she would give to people coming up to Christmas this year in light of the challenges we are facing in the midst of this pandemic.  As always, the answer was clear and wise.  “I’d tell them that we’ll make the most of what we have”.

So in the words of my mother, let’s make the most of what we have this Christmas and count our blessings.